Here is a list of links that you may find helpful in your search for the perfect yarn or project. These are also great sources for information beyond what we are able to provide on our website, from the products we sell to local suppliers of wool and fiber. As always, feel free to the call the store with any questions you may have.

If you don't know about Ravelry, you really must check it out. Group discussions, tons of patterns and advice make Ravelry one of the most useful tools and websites for your knitting/crocheting/spinning!
New Voyager Trading

For more information on the famous Kromski spinning wheels made in Poland.
NYS Sheep and Wool Festival

The largest sheep and wool festival in the area! Takes place the third weekend in October. The Spinning Room is a vendor there, along with hundreds of others. You will find most anything you want related to fiber, knitting, spinning, crocheting and more....
America's Knitting

America's Knitting is a website created by Mary Neill in the state of Washington in the support of Local Yarn Shops across the US. Check out her site when you are travelling and need to find a shop or submit your project to her...she'd love to see it.