Wheels (page under construction)
Louët Wheels

We also sell Louët wheels, a real workhorse and smooth working wheel made in Holland. Models include the S10, S10DT, S17, S95 & S96 (The Victoria, a portable folding wheel), and the Julia. Totally portable and easy to use. We also rent Louët wheels out for $35/month. Call the store for details and availability.
Kromski Wheels

Kromski Wheels
We carry Kromski wheels distributed by Kromski North America. Made by the Kromski family in Poland, greatest of care is taken to provide a great working wheel, a beautiful piece of workmanship, all at an incredibly reasonable price! Wheels come finished or unfinished. You can check out the story of the Kromskis and production of the wheels at Kromskina.com. Come try the wheels at the store or call to have a wheel shipped right to your door. Each wheel is sent with a video. Check out their Sonata, a foldable wheel with class! Models of the Prelude, Symphony, Minstrel and Sonata are in the shop and available for test drives.